The educational plan of the Basque Government at the end of the year leaves many questions in the air
  • The unions are angry because “once again” the Basque Government has presented a plan that has not been agreed with the educational community, this time with the end of the course. In order to meet the health and safety criteria laid down by the Basque Government, what measures will be taken? If it comes to classrooms with 15 students, will there be more teachers? Why are there no further conciliation measures instead of the opening of Haurreskolak?
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2020ko maiatzaren 07a

Health as the axis

LAB has appealed to an applicant if safety and health at school are not guaranteed. It calls for a consensual prevention plan and a guarantee of good state in the opening of the centres. To do so, LAB, STEILAS and ELA have asked all workers to do the tests and to pass the necessary masks and security resources to the centers. ALS has also reminded that it is necessary to take the temperature and perform the previous disinfection of schools.

Manage two classrooms of 15 students + tele-learning?

The Education Counselor has announced a decline in the ratios in the classrooms, which from now on will be 15 students per classroom. LAB has highlighted that it cannot be in the hands of a teacher to manage two classrooms and attend to the other students it has in tele-learning.

In addition, according to this union, workers will have to return in a stepwise manner, as some will be exposed to collective risks (diabetics, cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, chronic patients, pregnant women, over 60 years of age…) and others have home-care responsibilities.

In addition to human resources, trade unions have criticised the fact that no mention has been made of material means or human resources. STEILAS (PPE). — (DE) Mr President, I should like to begin by thanking Mr Steilas for his excellent report.

Haurreskolak, parking

The three unions agree that the Haurreskolak should not be opened and have made a deep criticism of the government’s approach. In the case of students aged 0-1, if both parents work outside the home, they will be able to take their child to haurreskola, and they have criticized that this approach has little pedagogical and much of representing haurreskola as “child parking”. It is clear to the trade unions that there are other alternatives to ensure conciliation, such as the granting of paid leave for care.

Curriculum, gap and students with special needs

“Adaptations of the curriculum will have to be made, for which management and teachers will need resources and training,” said LAB. In this adaptation, special consideration should be given to students who have been left behind in the educational process because of the digital divide, for which the union has asked for a diagnosis. STEILAS has in mind “students with special needs who have been completely abandoned”: “How will their return to schools be managed?”

ELA added that there is still no provision for the next course.