Federation of Ikastolas: "That this doesn't stop" can't be the goal of the return."
  • “Where and at what stage is it most necessary to return to schools? Why? Is it possible to do so in accordance with health conditions? After two months of confinement, now in a closed room, maintaining safety distances, without moving from the table, these teenagers have to go back to classrooms with masks? Where is the cooperative work left?”, said Ikastolen Elkartea, in the face of the plan to return to the classrooms presented by the Basque Government.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2020ko maiatzaren 08a
Argazkia: Dani Blanco

Ikastolas miss the reflection on these issues, in a proposal of the Department of Education of the CAV. The trade unions have also strongly criticised the fact that many questions remain in the air.

The gap as the axis

In order to organise the return, the ikastolas should take into account, instead of the group, the situation of the students. Now that the gap is widening in recent times, “the end-of-course plan should focus on these students to try to correct the imbalances that have occurred.”

Less students to return

Although the number of withdrawals to classrooms has been reduced, the Federation of Ikastolas believes that security should be further limited: The students of 1st High School and 1st Vocational Training should not have returned. And if the objective of the translation of the students of the 2nd year of high school is to make USE, the focus should be at the time of preparing this test, not before. “In the 4th of the ESO, what objective is given to the return? Is this agitation worth it when the course stops?”

Do not open Haurreskolak

Along the same lines as requested by the trade unions, the ikastolas are clear that the opening of classrooms for 0-1 years makes no sense and that safety measures cannot be adequately guaranteed in them.

Prevention material

Regarding the distribution of preventive material in educational centers, the Department of Education has requested that it be referred to all centers, not only to the public school. “This is a general health problem and the Department should ensure that all centers have these materials regardless of ownership.”

The association added that transport should be studied for students residing outside the city where the centre is located.

Finally, the Federation of Ikastolas has asked the Department of Education for a plan agreed with the educational community to advance and deepen the details.