Seventeen Basque schools and institutes call on the Department of Education to build cooking in the centre itself
  • As a first step to offer healthy, quality and sustainable menus in the school dining room, seventeen schools and public institutes of the CAV have asked the Basque Government Department of Education to build a kitchen in the school to be able to prepare these menus in the center.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2023ko martxoaren 28a
EAEko ikastetxe publikoen herenak baino ez du sukaldea ikastetxean bertan. Irudian, eskaera bateratuaren aurkezpena. Argazkia: EHIGE

Currently, only a third of the public centers of the CAV have a kitchen in the center itself, and are working to change this reality from Céline Platera, our platform of opportunities and the Association of Fathers and Mothers of Students of the Basque Country EHIGE. They have campaigned to encourage associations of parents and schools to put a kitchen in the middle. To this end, they argue that it considerably reduces food waste (because menus can be recalculated daily, according to the students who have gone to school); that the menus are made shortly before serving them; it makes it easier to do with fresh, seasonal, local, sustainable and quality food (because it is not the same to cook and transport hundreds or thousands of menus in an industrial kitchen that prepare a menu adapted to the diners in the school);

Among other things, it considerably reduces food waste (because menus can be recalculated daily, according to students who have gone to school)

The list of 17 schools that have requested the construction of the kitchen has also been published: CEP Orduña, CEP Gorbeia, CEP Zaragueta, CEP Juan Manuel Sanchez Marcos HLHI, CEP Jose Etxegarai, CEP Urretxindorra HLHI, Iturzlonaiena

In fact, with catering companies that produce menus prepared in industrial kitchens, many associations of parents are not at ease, as we have said recently: the APYMA of Bizkaia has carried out a survey, parents’ associations from 96 schools have responded and I have highlighted the poor quality, quantity and variety of food. “Low quality food, frozen fish, menu changes (always to lower costs), unvaried fruits, few quantities, etc.”