Families of Opus Dei of Navarra work to create a segregating center
  • A group of parents of students from the Miravalles-Redin and Irabia–Izaga centers have talked with the Department of Education of the Government of Navarra to learn about the procedure of creating the private center.
Olaia L. Garaialde 2024ko martxoaren 15a
Miravalles-Redin eta Irabia-Izaga ikastetxeek 1965. urtetik bereizten dituzten ikasleak.

Religious centers have less and less support to segregate students by sex. Students separated from 1965 by Miravalles-Redin e Irabia -Izaga. The Department of Education of the Government of Navarra has carried out processes of progressive breakdown of concerts with the centres. A small group of parents have opposed and talked to the Department of Education. The idea is to know how to create a private center that differentiates students by sex. It is not clear where in the Region they want to make the school.

It is a debate which has been going on for a long time and which has generated great tension in the last three years between the Government of Navarra and the schools. In 2021, the Department of Education of the Government of Navarra started the suspension process of the Primary Education concert. In 2022, the Bachillerato Pact and earlier this year announced the suspension of the ESO Pact from September onwards. However, if the centres are mixed from September onwards, the Government of Navarra will continue to finance them. Because, according to LOMLOE, gender-segregated centers cannot receive public funding.