The STEILAS trade union calls on the Basque Government to halt the public funding of the concerted centres
  • STEILAS calls for the annulment of educational concerts held by the Basque Government with all private concerted centres receiving public money until it is established that these centres comply with the law. The union has denounced that "many of them do not comply with the rules" in the CAV.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko ekainaren 25

With the public money received by the concerted centers, the union ensures that they are able to guarantee free primary and secondary education, suggesting that in some centers parents are charged.

In addition, the union has denounced that when it comes to welcoming students, they do not comply with the regulations and use public money to “promote discriminatory and segregating projects”.

“The law says that confessional practice will be voluntary in schools, but in many CAPV concerted centres this principle is not being complied with,” he added.

For all these reasons, it has asked the Basque Government to halt public funding for concerted schools until it is established that they comply with the law.