In Euskal Herria there are 12 centers that separate students by sex
  • There are twelve schools that separate people by sex in the Basque Country. They are supported by the Government of Navarre and the Basque Government, which this year have also agreed grants of EUR 26 million.
Jone Markuleta @JMarkuleta 2021eko urtarrilaren 29a
Neskak bakarrik jasotzen dituen Donostiako Eskibel ikastetxean pintaketak egin zituzten irailean.

In the report written by the journalist of Berria Irati Urdelleta, EiTB reports that there are still schools that teach in two classrooms, separated from gender, for boys and girls. They're twelve in total in Hego Euskal Herria. They are supported by the Government of Navarra and the Basque Government, which will receive a total of EUR 26 million for this course.

Four of the centers are in Navarra:Miravalles-El Redin in Pamplona/Iruña, Cizur Menor, Irabia -Izaga in Pamplona/Iruña and Cordovilla. Four others in Bizkaia:Arangoya in Bilbao, Ayalde and Munabe in Loiu and Gaztelueta in Leioa. Two in Gipuzkoa:Eskibel in Donostia and Erain in Irun. Two in Zuberoa:Saint Michel GARIKOITZ in Etxarri and Cours l'Immaculee Conception in Domintxaine-Berroeta.

The LOMLOE law adopted by the Government of Spain should allow centres receiving subsidies from the Basque Government and the Government of Navarre to receive no more aid or subsidies.