Government and trade unions agree to reduce student ratios and increase structural positions
  • The agreement between the Department of Education of the Basque Government and the unions Steilas, LAB, CCOO and UGT establishes that the maximum ratios will decrease in some educational stages. In addition, it has been agreed on the stabilization of places, the introduction of English from the age of 3 and the expansion of resources associated with special needs, among others.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko maiatzaren 26a
Hezkuntza lanpostuak egonkortzea eskatzeko sindikatuen elkarretaratze bat (argazkia: Steilas)

Representatives of the Basque Government and the Steilas, LAB, CCOO and UGT trade unions reached an agreement on Thursday (pdf) at the negotiating table of the teaching staff to reduce student ratios and, among other things, to consolidate and consider educational posts that are not currently considered structural.

As can be seen from the note published by the Department of Education, the agreement could serve to "modernise the organization of the Basque public education network and strengthen the strategic axes". He has been interviewed for several months at the negotiating table and approved by 18 trade union representatives, 80%.

The agreement states that the maximum levels for classroom formation will be reduced in different educational stages, for example, in the second cycle of early childhood education, from 23 to 20 pupils and in primary school from 25 to 23 pupils. In addition, the document includes the provision of administrative staff and new technologies outside the student's job market; the creation of stable positions for concrete needs; the double tutoring in secondary school in classrooms of more than 20 students; the structural configuration of functional places; the teaching of English from the age of 3 and the creation of teaching positions for this purpose...

Steilas: "We signed to blur the cuts"

Steilas makes a bittersweet reading of the agreement saying that they have signed "in order to blur the reduction of resources" and that the agreement is "partial". The union says it will not give a "blank cheque" to the Department of Education and will continue to fight for public centres.