Feminist students rally to denounce sexual assaults of the UPV campus teacher in Vitoria-Gasteiz
  • They say that what happened is not a coincidence. It has been explained that macho violence occurs in university areas and that the problem is systematic. A protocol has been requested to protect the assailants. It is alleged that the aggressor has acted with complete impunity.
ARGIA @argia 2025eko otsailaren 17a
Otsailaren 17an egin dute elkarretaratzea Hispanikoko irakaslearen erasoak salatzeko. Errotik ikasleen talde feminista.

On Monday at noon, the session was convened by the group of feminist students from Erro at the Faculty of Letters of the UPV in Vitoria-Gasteiz. The document that they have published indicates that the events related to the Professor of Hispanic Philology are not a coincidence and are not an isolated case. They say that there is a “recurrence” of macho violence in the university area.

They call for an “effective” protocol for cases of violence that protects those attacked and “not just a bureaucratic mechanism.” They demand a protocol that “does not question” the testimony of the aggressor and that radically changes the “academic environment that accepts” such attitudes.

They denounce that the aggressor has acted as if he had no responsibility, with “total impunity.” He has been accused of using fear as a tool and of “invalidating” the testimonies of those attacked.

They have proclaimed that they will not tolerate anything else and that “gateways, libraries and classrooms will be safe”. They called for a commitment from all to combat violence.