Ikasle Abertzaleak calls for a "quality, free and universal" university in Pamplona
  • The students have asked on Thursday in the streets of Pamplona to stop applying reduced rates, improved scholarships and social control measures. According to the portal, the National Police has identified several young people who have been on the street since then.
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The demonstration started from the Plaza de los Fueros de Pamplona under the motto Workers' Control in the field of education, to the UPNA. Around 1500 people have approached Thursday to boost the campaign "not to pay the working class the consequences" that was launched in April.

Under the strict control of the police forces and with health criteria, the demonstration took place in the district of Arrosadía. The final act has taken place there, and the AI has issued a number of statements: "Only by joining forces and fighting together can we defend and improve the living and learning conditions of the different sectors of the university working class."

According to the portal, at the end of the mobilization, the National Police has identified several young people at different points.