67 Navarros schools participate in the program of feeding healthy relationships in the classroom
  • Convinced that the best way to avoid bullying is to encourage good treatment among themselves, 67 schools of Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary Education participate in the Navarra Help Program. They prepare the teachers to work empathy, coexistence, assertive communication… with the students.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2024ko irailaren 17a
Indarrak bideratzen dituzte tratu onak eta heziketa emozionala sustatzera, jarrera biolentoetara iritsi ez daitezen. Argazkia: Freepik

This course has been added to the program 15 schools (80% public, 20% concerted). The teacher has a specialized training of at least two years and workshops aimed at the entire educational community. The objective, before conflict erupts and management becomes difficult, before harassment cases appear, to nurture healthy relationships in the centre, or in other words, to channel forces not so much towards the prevention of harassment and cyberbullying, but towards the promotion of good treatment and emotional education so that they do not reach violent attitudes.

Within the framework of the Laguntza program, tools are worked to diagnose coexistence in the center, help among equals in conflict resolution, empathy, positive discipline, assertive communication, social attitude, resilience, connection and adherence...

In the same vein, the Basque Government has also launched the Bizikasi initiative, the aim of which is the curriculum for positive coexistence.

The Haziak project was born with the objective of reversing power relations and unequal relationships, raising awareness about the influence of mutual relations.

Leadership, anger, loneliness, crew...

And the Haziak project of the ikastola de Oiartzun has long been told by ARGIA: with the aim of revolutionizing power relations and unequal relationships, the project is based on raising awareness of the influence of mutual relations and promoting healthy relationships. For this, they speak in class of the management of their own feelings, of leadership, of indignation, of conflicts, of difference, of loneliness, of the crew, of friendship… with different materials to deal with the themes.

As he pointed out from the ikastola of Oiartzun, “no matter how much work has been done, there are always small loopholes, which we do not control. Despite being close and sensitized, there are ugly situations, we have to be very attentive and technologies and social networks are a highway unknown to many of us. That’s why these projects are so important.”