The professors of Hego Euskal Herria may decide not to repeat the subjects even if they do not exceed them
  • The repetition of the course in Primary Education will be an exception 2. 4th and 6th and 1st All 3rd and 5th courses will automatically have the course approved. In Secondary Education, although the subjects are not exceeded, the students advance in the course if the faculty decides that they are prepared for it. The Government’s decree has also called off the special invitations of June and September.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2021eko azaroaren 17a

The decree approved by the Spanish Government for the whole State will be implemented from the next academic year.

Exception in Primary

1st Elementary, In the 3rd and 5th courses the course will be approved automatically by all students, regardless of the overcoming or not of the subjects. 2nd, Level 4 and 6 could be repeated, but the decree states that in these courses the repetition should be “totally exceptional”.

The law provides support and reinforcement for students who have advanced and have outstanding subjects from the previous course.

In High School, the decision of teachers

In Compulsory Secondary Education, the teaching team will decide what is best for the student, and if, despite not having approved the subjects, the faculty sees that they will be able to recover them by promoting it will not repeat a course.

The law has suspended the special examinations of June and September of the ESO, understanding that "it is a contradiction to try to resolve in a single test the nine-month process".

Continuous evaluation in Bachillerato

In the two Baccalaureate courses, a continuous evaluation will be carried out, which will require the achievement of all the subjects to obtain the degree, without prejudice to the possibility of obtaining the degree without having passed a subject, if the teachers so decide.

“Motivation as the axis, not sanction”

According to the Minister of Education, these measures seek to strengthen an effort based on motivation and not a punishment in the student's school career. In addition, he stressed that professors are the ones who know the students' skills best, so it is logical to leave in them the final decision.

Repetition: Choice or stigma?

We publish in Argia a monograph about repetition, to discuss whether repetition is an opportunity or a punishment for students, whether the salvation of students who are not able or whether it is a reflection of the deficiencies of the current school model. The participants talked about an educational system that overlooks academic performance, the need to change the evaluation paradigm, the stigma of repetition and the weight of expectations, the need for flexible academic itineraries that respect the situation and rhythms of each student, the contradiction of legislation... You can read it in this link.