The student organization Ikama extends its political project to universities and vocational training
  • This is one of the most significant novelties presented at the II Congress. Until now, its political activity was focused on Secondary Education and from now on it will also be developed in universities and Vocational Training. Ikama has claimed the Basque Community Public Educational System.
ARGIA @argia 2024ko abenduaren 09a
Abenduaren 7an, Durangon, Ikama ikasle antolaketa 'Ihaurri' ponentzia aurkezten. Ikama

Four years ago, the Ikama student organization was created. 7 December, Durango, Ihaurri. Ikamako II. The presentation of Congress has been presented, which will have three presentations. One of the main innovations of enlargement has been that, in addition to Secondary Education, it will be taught in universities and in Vocational Training. The media has collected the words of Garazi Ubiria, one of the group spokesmen: “We present Euskal Herria a more mature, more prepared, stronger and bigger ikama.” On the road to enlargement, presentations will be made on the campuses of Leioa, Vitoria-Gasteiz and Ibaeta of the UPV, the Public University of Navarra and Mondragon Unibertsitatea.

Ikama says that his political project is to achieve a Community Public Education System. In order to achieve this objective, they have identified “an intermediate station”, that is, having a Proper Educational System. At present, Ikama says that Euskal Herria does not have the competencies to design its own educational system and that with the acquisition of competencies it will be possible to “construct here” the educational system. For this reason, they have given priority to “acquire sufficient structure and sovereignty”.

Feminist and Euskaldun

The presentation presented in Durango reflects the five main features of the political project. They have called for a national education system that takes account of the entire Basque country. Also Community: “Over and above the individualistic tendencies that prevail today, our project wants to be a model of solidarity and working together.” The third feature is that it is public: it calls for accessible education for all people and one of the main demands will be that the training process be free, both registration and other costs. The project has been described as a feminist: They will work “a model that educates women, trans and sovereign and empowered loggers.” They have added that this model “must be able to generate tools and resources to end the society that has oppressive positions”. The fifth axis is that the project should be Euskaldun. In this regard, they have stressed the need for a model to create multilingual and multilingual Basque pupils.