The human chain against incineration on Sunday will denounce the waste management of the City Hall of Donostia
  • The Anti-Incineration Movement will carry out a human chain against incineration on Day 8 in Donostia-San Sebastián. The demonstration will start at 11:00 from Alderdi Eder in Vitoria-Gasteiz.
ARGIA @argia 2024ko irailaren 05

At a press conference in Donostia-San Sebastian, they announced that next Sunday they will carry out a mobilization like every year against the Zubieta incinerator and will denounce "the disastrous management that the City Hall of Donostia is doing, especially in waste management".

This was expressed in the hearing:

"Donostia-San Sebastián has become a leading city in terms of tourism. The lords of Gipuzkoa and those who send in the City Hall of San Sebastian as in the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa sell well the beauty of this capital to attract tourism from all over the world. But as the old people said… San Sebastian is a “nice out, dirty”. Donostia/San Sebastián is also the leader in waste tourism: attracting money, goods and people from all over the environment… and creating and exporting trash throughout the environment: it is the waste tourism of San Sebastian.

The construction of a monstrous incinerator in Zubieta has, from the outset, suffered countless breakdowns, errors, accidents, discharges and contagion. Some have reached the eyes and ears of the public. The Arkaitzerreka of Zubieta was set on fire, and since then there have been no streaks or other living things. Recently, the Government of Navarra had to close a waste plant in Artajona… and so we learned that the authorities in Gipuzkoa illegally sent 5,500 tonnes of contaminated waste there.

However, there are even more infections that are hidden from the population. The incinerator generates 100 tons of burnt waste and 3 tons of very toxic ashes… and those thousands of tons of “garbage” to Santovenir de Pisuerga in Castilla. Furthermore, slags or slags created by the incinerator add up to many more tonnes sent from Zubieta, the Bertederos or cement plants to be hidden in large infrastructures. And it diffuses thousands of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere: the incinerator will be the one that takes the most off this issue that causes climate change in Gipuzkoa.

Mr Asensio, PNV and PSE leaders: There you have the “tourism of garbage” that you continually believe! A poison!

The citizens of Gipuzkoa, however, also find ourselves in the pollution of this dirty and unnecessary incinerator face. We and the animals, plants and all living things that live with us collect dioxins, furans, heavy metals and the PIFAS or “eternal pollutants” that have opened the Zubieta fireplaces.

Researchers from the Dutch foundation ToxiWatch have made public the results of the analysis of samples collected in the past five years in the vicinity of the incinerator, as well as at the General Meetings of Gipuzkoa. The measurements carried out by ToxiWatch over these five years have shown to be very worrying, due to the presence of dioxins, PCBs, heavy metals and contaminants PIFAS in the surrounding soil, water, moss, plants and hens’ eggs. Governors of Gipuzkoa: Close this polluting incinerator once and for all!

In Gipuzkoa we know that waste management systems are better, cleaner and cheaper than incineration, and in Gipuzkoa we have them in place in several localities. But in order to be able to curb this unnecessary incinerator, municipalities and communities that still manage waste in a savage way have to change their policies. And especially San Sebastian: it is not acceptable for the Donostian authorities to play on this issue that is so neglected, so dirty, so indifferent. Neither an orderly selective collection, nor a generalized selective collection of organic matter, nor an effective reduction of waste… Donostia is the capital of garbage tourism and the shame of the whole of Gipuzkoa”.