Gladys del Estalle will be honored on Sunday on the 43rd anniversary of the murder
  • Friday, June 3, is 43 years since the Civil Guard José Martínez Salas killed the Donostian ecologist Gladys del Estal with a head shot. The murder took place in Tudela as a result of the police persecution of nuclear power stations and a mobilisation against the Shooting Polygon of Bardenas.
Xalba Ramirez @xalbaram Irutxuloko Hitza @irutxulo 2022ko ekainaren 02a
Jende andana bildu da Gladys del Estal Ferreñoren omenaldian.

On the occasion of the anniversary, the collective Eguzki and Gladys Gogoan organized a tribute one more year in Gladys Enea. It will be next Sunday, June 5th at 12:00 at the main gate of the park.

In the note made public by his friends, the act was explained as follows: “We don’t worship Gladys as a virgin or a secular saint. We remember Gladys. And we remember our friend, because he was our partner, and he went unpunished because you can't forget that injustice. In addition, there is no official recognition”.

They denounce that, although they welcome the steps taken by the Government and the Government of Navarre in recent years, there has not yet been any recognition: “Whether it comes or not, Gladys will never miss the recognition of the citizens.”

Two other events

Gladys Gogane announced two new events. The first is an annual tribute organized by Tudela's friends: on 3 June at 20:00 on the Ebro Bridge. The other, on June 3, at 12:30 pm, will present the book they have organized in the Faculty of Informatics of San Sebastian.

On the other hand, remember that this evening at 21:55 hours the documentary Ez will be on ETB1, thank you for Gladys del Estalle.