This Sunday the composition of the French Parliament and the names of the three Members of the Continental Basque Country will be explained
  • As for the three voting districts of the Northern Basque Country, the second round will be held between the NUPES alliance, formed by different left-wing forces, and the candidature Ensemble, around President Emmanuel Macron. EH Bai has not given any voting instructions and the PNV Board of Directors calls for a vote in favour of Ensemble.
Jenofa Berhokoirigoin @Jenofa_B 2022ko ekainaren 17a
Seigarren barrutian diputatu den Vincent Bru. Lehen atera da lehen itzulian.

In the fourth electoral district, Annick Trounday (Ensemble) and Iñaki Etxaniz (NUPES) are the candidates for the second round; in the fifth, the Member so far Florence Lasserre (Ensemble) and Sandra Pereira (NUPES); and in the sixth, the Member so far Vincent Spdutom (Ensemble).

In the fourth area, Trounday held 26.6% of the votes in the first round on Sunday and Etxaniz 24%. Thirdly, Julien Lassalle, brother of hitherto deputy Jean Lassalle, with 20.3%, and Sylviane López, of the National Union of the Fourth Extreme Right, with 11.6%. The fifth candidature of EH Bai, Egoitz Urrutikoetxea, received 10% of the votes (it should be noted that Zuberoa and Nafarroa Beherea enter the fourth demarcation and part of Biarno, that is, the ratio of the Abertzale vote in the whole area).

In the fifth field of voting, Lasser obtained 33.9% of the votes and Pereira obtained 25.1%. In the third place was Pascal Lesellier, far right (13.9%), and in the fourth Mathilde Hary, of EH Bai (8.9%).

In the sixth, Bru (Ensemble) obtained 28.5% of the votes and in the second, Dubois-Robin of the NUPES with 19.5%. He won third place Peio Dufau, member of EH Bai (14.5%) and fourth place with 9.89% of the votes of the far right Monique Becker.

Strong competition at French level

Regarding the overall results, the alliance of the left NUPES reached 26.16%, and the candidature of Macron Ensemble 25.8%, very strong between the two and pending seeing the favorable position of those who voted for others in the first round. The Extreme Right National Union represented 18.6%, followed by the Right (11.3%) and the Reconquête (4.2%) around the Eric Zemmou of the Far Right. Of course, abstention will also deny its influence ... Participation in the first round of 12 June was 47.5%.

Mathematically, there are many more reservations on the right, seeing that, in general, the left-wing voters had a single candidature on the left – the Abertzale coalition EH Bai on the left has also been present in the Northern Basque Country, and it will be interesting to see whether or not they are betting on NUPES to cut off the Macroni road. If the Left gets the majority in the French Parliament, Macron does not have the easy way to carry out the reforms.

As in the case of the French presidents, the results of Sunday night will make public the Macro's vote on condemnation. In other words, it remains to be seen whether its rivals, including 18.6% of the Far-Right National Union, vote or not for NUPES to reject Macro.

Between the right end (National Union) and the left end (NUPES), the second round will be held in 62 French constituencies. Concerning information: The Ensemble of Macron has not cut the way to the far right and has given a clear slogan for voting on NUPES. Elisabeth Borne, French Prime Minister, clarifies that "I never vote for the extreme right", but does not call on NUPES. Nouvelobs has carefully analysed the voting slogans, only in six districts has the Macron party called the NUPES and launched the mild note of "not giving a single vote to the extreme right" in twelve (in another 38 it has done nothing to cut off the road to the extreme right and in six it has called you to call).

EH Bai has no voting slogans and the PNV in favour of Macron

"As a left-wing force we distinguish the political programs of NUPES and Ensemble in the social, social and ecological aspects. That’s why the two candidatures that are presented in the second round are not matched”, we can read in EH Bai’s document. However, "being an Abertzale movement" and "dissatisfied" with the positions of NUPES candidates, EH Bai has not called to support the alliance of the left.

However, as far as the fourth constituency is concerned, the left-wing nationalists met Etxaniz and the candidate Egoitz Urrutikoetxea wanted to give concrete expression to his commitment to NUPES in its second round: "My political and moral responsibility is to express that [Emmanuel] my vote goes beyond the intestinal election of the way to Macroni, in favor of Etxaniz, who has expressed the minimum agreement with our projects and claims," as we can read in the newspaper Berria.

Emmanuel Macron has voted in favour of the candidates of Ensemble, but the North Presidential Assembly of the PNV. The Abertzale party has given two explanations. On the one hand, "the NUPES candidate programme is the most centralist, the most ineffective, the most remote from territorial realities, the most sovereign and the most anti-Europeanist" and does not identify with it. On the other hand, as far as the Basque Country is concerned, the candidates from the UPNA are "the most opposed to the Basque country and the languages and cultures of the region". In this regard, although there are also discrepancies with Ensemble, the Northern Assembly of the PNV has called for a "choice of reason" and voted in favour of the candidates of this coalition.