A Sunday in the Hypermarket to denounce the consumption model
  • Long live! the movement had announced the action of disobedience by 16 June. They have thus entered the hypermarket and have reproduced the leisure activities on Sundays in the morning to denounce the consumer society and, in particular, the opening of shops on Sundays.
ARGIA @argia 2019ko ekainaren 17a
Long live! The environmental movement is ten years old and has organised a three-day programme to celebrate the anniversary last weekend in Baiona. The action of disobedience has been carried out in this context. It was created in June 2009. Bizi! It had two main objectives: to promote climate environmentalism and to ensure social justice. Several years have pointed the way forward: In October 2013, in Baiona, the call “10, 100, 1000 Alternatiba” strengthens the village organization and network project. Likewise, the local demands, the struggles in favor of the Basque Country House of Agriculture, as well as the initiatives against the TAV and the gold mine, reinforced the movement. Bizi! He has also left his mark on initiatives around the world such as Alternatiba Tour, Faucheurs de chaises, Sortons Macron.
The axis of the movement is the question of climate change. Through this issue, it has introduced into society the gravity of the problem and has mobilized the awareness of many people. The main features of Bizi! They are the lack of violence, determination, radicalism and pragmatism.