The problem of immigration (nomadic proletarian) should not be addressed by policies that impose the integrative assimilation of the languages and cultures of the coming nations, as is usually done in the states of the globalized capitalist world.
In many of these states there are oppressed nations, as in Spain (Galicia, Catalonia, Basque Country). And in those nations, especially in the Basque Country and in Catalonia, there are many nomadic prolories.
There is no policy of their own in this area. And, if there is not, it ends up doing the same policy applied by the Spanish State to integrate and assimilate with us, with the people who come from other peoples, in Catalonia, in Galicia and in the Basque Country. So that we give up our identity and feel Spanish.
With the transfer of competences to historical nationalities, a series of xenophobic episodes have appeared in Catalonia, especially those shown by the city council of Ripoll.
So what we have to be clear about is that, even intentionally, we do not have enough powers to embed anyone hard: to give up their identity and accept ours.
Before an oppressive state that seeks the integration and assimilation of nomadic proletarians, we must articulate a policy based on respect and mutual knowledge in stateless nations”
It is clear that the Spanish State has this strength. And it's detected by the nomadic prolethal. Therefore, faced with the obligation to integrate, it is evident that it will be integrated into the language and culture of the Spanish nation and not into the Catalan, Galician or Basque language. It will also become an ally of the Spanish State against the Galician, Basque and Catalan people, who have not been able to offer their own and different alternative.
That is why we must avoid at all costs being a nomadic proletarian used to build Spain, in the countries where he himself crushes it.
Why is it such an important and sensitive issue? Because what is at stake is fundamental in human beings: the problem of identity does not matter!
Therefore, before an oppressive State that seeks the integration and assimilation of nomadic prolems, we must articulate a policy based on respect and mutual knowledge in stateless nations that allows them to live and take root in their new country. In particular, we must make it easier for them to understand the language and culture of the host people so that they do not have to join the oppressive state. In other words, we must facilitate their participation, which means diminishing their identity, not giving up. Considering that identity is not immovable static, identity dilation gives us a dynamic identity, open to the new one.
On the contrary, as citizens of the host people, we must be open to what is new to us from other peoples and cultures, in order to expand our own identity.
The only way for the nomad proletarian to participate in our culture is to facilitate its dilation, its dynamic identity. On the contrary, with forced integration, we pushed them to purify their own (fundamentalism), thus becoming xenophobic, like racists who play globalized capitalism, eliminating nomadic prolems that he does not need, which he considers to be criminals.
We talk about the expansion of identity, not only from a theoretical point of view, but from the personal experiences we have experienced in the movement of the ikastolas. And ourselves, at the ikastola Toki Eder. There, fathers and mothers from other nationalities and regions of the Spanish State, we joined in the struggle for the Euskaldunization of our sons and daughters, thus expanding our identities: learning Basque, knowing the Basque culture; making our own known and sharing them with the people of Euskal Herria. That is, developing the dynamic dimension of our identities.
No one forced us to integrate, it was a fusion of desires and desires to build and share Euskal Herria more just, solidarity and Euskaldun.
In our view, that should be what should guide our policy as far as nomadic prolems are concerned.
We have to build the people together: between the originals and the venoms.
The oppressed peoples must make a new, different and revolutionary policy based on respect and justice.
Xabier Rodríguez and Nikolas Xamardo