Minority Language Conference ICML, from Euskal Herria to the world for three days
  • XVIII Congress of Minority Languages. The International Congress, known for its acronym ICML, will be held in Euskal Herria between 24 and 26 March or, at least, it has been organized from Euskal Herria, since this year it will be held entirely with telematic connections. The NOR research group at the University of the Basque Country has been in charge of the organization. Congress has a double slogan: Bagara nor / In the long run (long-term).
Sustatu 2021eko martxoaren 24a

Over three days, the congress will have a program that will be broadcast through several streaming windows, but here we leave some of the contributions that from the Basque Country itself have been made public by the Cluster of Sociolinguistics.

  • The Ulerrizketa methodology: a way to start speaking basque with passive bilinguals (Aldahitz project). Pablo Suberbiola and Pello Jauregi.
  • Sharing the stage. Conclusions of a study on young Basque speakers. Olatz Altuna and Jone Miren Hernández. In relation to this study: Young people on the scenario of the Basque Country, the theme of use.
  • Promoting public communication in Basque: the experience of the In public Use community of practice. IDURRE Eskisabel, Eduardo Apodaka, Beatriz Zabalondo, Jordi Morales and Uxoa Anduaga.
  • Bringing the linguistic diversity ecosystem of the Basque Autonomous Community closer (around linguistic diversity). Belen Uranga and Xabier Aierdi
  • A methodology for working oral language in the socio-linguistic areas of Castile-Leon: "Yes, yes," Nadia replied. Olatz Bengoetxea, Agurtzane Azpeitia and Idurre Alonso
  • Students’ use of basque at school: main results of Arrue project 2017. Maialen Iñarra
  • A grassroots experience of a sociollinguic research centre to revitalize the language. Imanol Larrea
  • Linguistic practices between media and organizations in a minority language public communication context. Beatriz Zabalondo and Asier Basurto

Check the detailed schedules of these inputs, as well as the general program and the streaming windows.