Ibon Goieaskoetxea, released after 11 years in prison
  • The Basque political prisoner is already on his way home, having served his sentence imposed on him by the French State. On 15 September he left Mont de Marsan prison and was transferred to Spain. After passing through the National Hearing in Madrid, he was released on parole, although he was unable to do so.
Mikel Eizagirre 2020ko irailaren 17a
Ibon Goieaskoetxea senitartekoekin. Argazkia: Etxerat

Busturia prisoner Ibon Goieaskoetxea has left Mont de Marsan prison after serving an 11-year sentence to which he was convicted. On 15 September, the French State extradited it to Spain in accordance with the Euroorder issued against it.

The Spanish National Court, which still has accusations against it, had to be made available to the courts. Since there is no evidence for the charges against him, he is released on probation. These conditions include the withdrawal of the passport and the obligation to sign in the courts on a weekly basis.

After these provisions had been made, the Basque political prisoner was released on the afternoon of 16 September. His relatives have received him in Madrid, before beginning the journey back home, where he has died.