Flexible vehicle emission limits in the European Union to support the automotive industry
  • The Euro 7 emission reduction standard will come into force later than expected: for light vehicles in 2027 and 2029 for heavy goods vehicles.
Irati Irazusta Jauregi 2023ko irailaren 26a
Herrialdeek erabaki horrekin automobilgintza industriari lagundu nahi diotela adierazi dute, "ibilgailu elektrikoen garapenean ari direlako lanean". (Argazkia: EDP)

European Union Industry Ministers have decided to delay the vehicle emission reduction plan to support the automotive industry. The European Commission’s Euro 7 Plan, which aims to reduce emissions of air pollutants in road transport, will enter into force two years later. In light vehicles it has been delayed until 2027, while the current regulation, Euro 6, will continue to operate. For heavy goods vehicles, Euro 7 will not enter into force until 2029, while the emission limits of the current legislation will be reduced.

Countries have said that by this decision they want to help the automotive industry because they "work in the development of electric vehicles", bearing in mind that from 2035 the sale of cars in need of petrol and diesel will be prohibited.

Several EU countries were against Euro 7 from the outset: France, Italy, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia.

Also the automotive industry, which complained that they had to invest "billions of euros" to adapt to the new requirements, even though a few years later their sale will be banned. The European Automobile Manufacturers Association has stated that the decision of the European countries is "on the right track", although still "the costs are high".