An Iberdrola boat causes a 16 kilometer oil spill on the coast of Brittany
  • The Aeolus gave the warning of the effusion on Monday. The prosecution investigates what happened until it is resolved.
Iraitz Madariaga Etxebarria 2021eko ekainaren 15
Aeolus ontzia. Argazkia: Van

The vessel Aoelus, chartered by Iberdrola, has suffered a 16 km discharge of hydrocarbons in Saint Brieuc Bay in Brieuc. The boat, which has been carrying out excavation work to build a wind installation since May, has reported on Monday that it has recorded an escape of 100 liters. Since then, we have been looking for ways to comfort what has happened.

The hydrocarbon stain has a length of 16 kilometres and a width of 2.8 kilometres. The Cleanseanet satellite has been sighted for the first time and, after being inspected by a French customs aircraft, the Atlantic Maritime Prefecture has confirmed the data in a statement.

On Monday, the Prefecture received the warning of the breakdown of Aoelus and sent the relief ship Sapeur with the means to stop the spread of the disease. Today it will reach the landfill area. In the meantime, the sinister boat has been driven this Tuesday morning to a Dutch port with the aim of carrying out an analysis of the excavation and repair equipment. The Brest Prosecutor’s Office has opened an investigation to try to clarify the causes of the event.

Wind farm

Aeolus is the vessel owned by the subsidiary of Iberdrola, Van Oord, and this year he has begun work on building a wind farm in Saint Brieuce. Ibredrola explained that they have started with the installation of the anchor barns, and that the Aeolus boat has been used for this purpose. The wind farm project is a work of the company Ailes Marines, located 16.3 kilometers from the coast. Construction will end in 2023.