Since last year, the number of people served in the violence against women service has doubled.
  • According to a report by Agintza, 37 women have used the telephone service of the Basque Government SATEVI. They call the service because they have suffered crimes against sexual freedom, and in most cases the aggressor has been a close acquaintance.
Leire Artola Arin 2022ko abuztuaren 22a
Eusko Jaurlaritzaren arreta zerbitzua 37 emakumek erabili dute aurten. / Argazkia: Eitb.

In the first half of 2022, 37 women used the free telephone service for victims of violence against women SATEVI of the Basque Government (016 or 900 840 111), according to a report by the Social Initiative Cooperative of the Basque Government Agintzari. Last year there were 20 women seeking care, that is, this year the figure has almost doubled.

According to the report, in most cases the aggressor has been known closely: partner, ex-partner, partner, doctor, etc. All cases handled by SATEVI have been related to a crime against sexual freedom, such as sexual harassment, prostitution, sexual abuse, exhibitionism, sexual harassment and sexual exploitation of minors.

“Call growth doesn’t mean the attacks have grown sharply,” says social worker Eitb Nahiara Burgoa SATEVI: “What we think is that there is more and more talk about this, more and more awareness and more facilities to denounce it.” Regarding the context of the festival, Burgos has specified that the way to attack is changing, but that the attack is always against women: “The focus is always on women, beware of the glass, and the focus should be on the aggressors.”

According to the report, attacks such as stings cause women to be in a “permanent alert” situation: “These cases of a clear male nature are aimed at generating fear and holding women accountable for the aggressions and risks they may suffer through the policy of sexual terror.” SATEVI explains that awareness-raising campaigns must be continued to combat them.