Last year 58 workers died in the Basque Country
  • According to the LAB union, every six days a worker died in Euskal Herria last year. According to the statistics of Osalan and the Government of Navarra, a total of 46,451 occupational accidents occurred in Hego Euskal Herria from January to November.
Mattin Azpiroz Pagola 2024ko urtarrilaren 03a
2023ko martxoan sindikatuek deitutako elkarretaratzea. // Argazkia: LAB

In the occupational accidents that occurred in Euskal Herria last year, 58 people died, according to LAB union data. Specifically, sixteen in Gipuzkoa, eleven in Navarre and Álava, nine in Bizkaia, five in Lapurdi and six in Euskal Herria.

Osalan of the Basque Government and the Government of Navarra have published statistics on accidents at work, as collected by the media Regarding 2022, the CAPV recorded 46,451 occupational accidents between January and November 2023, of which 38 were fatal and 225 were serious accidents. Low accidents increased by 1.2%, 412 more than the previous year, but the number of serious and fatal accidents decreased.

News from Navarra collected data in Navarra, but with respect to 2022 the number of accidents with casualties decreased to 182. Specifically, 28 major accidents less and 3 deaths less from January to November.

Mild accidents increased in the CAPV. 29,768 were in 2023, 271 more than in 2022. On the other hand, accidents during commuting or return to work amounted to 3,667 fatal accidents and 23 serious accidents. The number of deaths was the same as in 2022 and serious accidents at CAPV were eight fewer. However, minor accidents increased by 129.

Regarding the incidence of accidents, by sector, construction was the sector with the highest rate, followed by industry, agriculture and services. However, the industrial sector predominates in Navarre.

Contradictory data

Official data from Osalan often do not match the statistics presented by the unions. This highlights a significant problem in the identification and recognition of fatal accidents and occupational diseases in the workplace, as it has collected Trade unions denounce the exclusion of fatal occupational accidents from non-traumatic causes, such as heart attacks or strokes. LAB says the same thing happens when a worker commits suicide in the workplace.

On the other hand, Osalan stressed that occupational diseases diagnosed a few years later should be taken into account. The presence of cancer cases due to contact with asbestos in the work environment is highlighted. They indicate that a “more detailed assessment” is needed.