Almost a million independentists at home
Patxi Azparren @fraixku 2024ko maiatzaren 16a

Like many other friends, in recent years Catalonia has followed closely. What happened there since we were brought forward with the 2017 referendum affects us. That is why I have also been looking forward to the election results.

Thinking of a more interesting and innovative option, I am particularly dedicated to the results of the CUP. In fact, the anticapitalist and independentist group has been the key to the independence majority. This time, unfortunately, has not been the case and most of the forces that drove the procés have lost.

The referendum was the largest act of disobedience in Europe, exemplary in many areas. Among other things, because it was the model of a roadmap for a democratic breakdown, a method of peaceful resolution of the conflict and the leading role of citizenship. That day, 2,285,000 citizens participated and 2,020,144 votes in favour of the Catalan Republic.

In the Sunday elections, CUP, ERC and Junts only 1,229,785. Given the exact location of the votes of the ultra-right and despicable Catalan Alliance, almost one million independentists have remained without voting. Undoubtedly, the scourge has been the ERC, which was in government. Similarly, the fall of people in the CUP has not been modest.

In 2017, 2.2 million Catalans made a courageous choice, 90% and the rest voted in favour. After the word given to the people, professional politicians took over the process and led it to the traditional electoral competition that came out of the competition streets.

Almost a million independentists stayed at home, I don't know if they will ever be able to recover illusion and commitment.

The Spanish state initially hit hard: arrests, threats, article 155... The people were not frightened, but those of the party leadership... At the end of the torpe Rajoy government, the PSOE came to Moncloa, more skillful in taking care of the bases of the 1978 regime. This party found a crack in the Catalan independence parties: the ERC. Attentive to the historic republican party, those of Ferraz managed to get members of the Junqueras group to take over the reshaping of the 1978 regime. The CKD prioritized hegemony in the independence field to believe that a possible agreement with the PSOE would be possible.

The referendum involved 43% of the census, if it had shortcomings. It did not comply with some of the complements that international law imposes, but it was a fully democratic leap that took place in October 2017. Professional politicians did not manage the desire and process of rupturing the people, but returned to the traditional old paths.

I believe that the penalty that CKD has received is a well-deserved one, because it was known that PSOE would not lead to any self-determining process. In the following election papers, El País has clearly explained that “Salvador Illa has buried the procés”. It is also clear that the newspaper of Spanish Social Democrats speaks by a majority, because it has placed El Comuns on the Spanish Front in all its graphs. Let us remember how decisive the election of the group En Comú Podemos, which was going to change the policy, against independence and disguised as “neutrality” for the Spanish State.

The Independence Left of the Basque Country will also have to see what its responsibility has been in choosing the allies in these events, who it has helped and who it has missed.

Almost a million independentists remained at home, I do not know if they will ever be able to recover the illusion and commitment, I do not know if that missed opportunity will be the last and, by the way, perhaps also our last, the PSOE, one of the fathers of the 1978 regime, owner of the agenda ...

Patxi Azparren