Almost half of the users have tested positive and are awaiting the results of the tests of several workers in Elorduy de Barrika
  • On Friday night to Saturday it was known that three users of the Elorduy de Barrika elderly residency who were hospitalized for other pathologies had tested positive for coronavirus. The users and workers of the residence have been tested and a total of 33 positive, four of them workers. However, the manager of the Elorduy Foundation, Fernando Ibarra, has explained that half of the staff still lack results.
Hiruka .eus 2020ko abuztuaren 24a
Koronabirusa duten erabiltzaile denak solairu berean kokatu dituzte (Argazkia: HODEI TORRES)

According to Ibarra, most positives are asymptomatic: "Four residents with symptoms have come to the hospital and at this time their condition is stable, with no complications. The four workers affected by the virus in the tests are in their homes and in the case of the residents all the positive ones have been grouped in the same plant. "You can't get out of this plant and protocols have been put in place against COVID-19; in the rest of the cases, regular activities continue to take place," Ibarra said. However, the visits are temporarily suspended for users throughout the headquarters, totaling 69.

The head of the residence has stated that, however, three of the residents who tested positive have been transferred to the center of Birjinetxe for more specialized care. "Their cognitive abilities are limited, they move from one side to the other, and they barely understand that they have coronavirus and that at the moment they cannot leave the plant where they are." In any case, the manager has pointed out that these three cases are also asymptomatic.

According to Ibarra, no medical officer told the residence that the three previously hospitalized residents had tested positive. They have known this through their relatives. On the other hand, he has shown his surprise because it is not yet known whether half of the workforce is infected, as they have not been given results. "They say they're full of work." Meanwhile, they continue to work as normally as possible, watching carefully if any worker has symptoms. At the moment, everyone is asymptomatic, including those who have been isolated at home after being positive.