Hungary prohibits gender change in official documents
  • This is the first time in Europe that such a law has been passed. This law against the rights of transsexuals and intersexuals has lifted all the alarms in human rights activists at the international level, which put them at risk of being assaulted.
Maria Ortega Zubiate @ortegazubiate 2020ko maiatzaren 29a
Viktor Orban Hungariako lehen ministroa. Argazkia: Cuartopoder.

These are difficult times for the human rights of Hungarians. The far-right government led by Viktor Orbán has at its disposal almost all the power through a decree approved through the pandemic. Despite the opposition, the Executive has the right to rule by decree, and that is precisely how he has acknowledged the ban on gender change.

The Government has taken advantage of Hungary ' s set of words in its country. In fact, “sex” and “gender” are spoken in Hungarian in the same way, “nem”. Thus, the Government has given this word a new definition: “Biological sex based on sexual characteristics and chromosomes.”

Trans Hungarians and intersex people have denounced that at times when they have to show their documents, they make fun of them and laugh. They claim that they are uncomfortable moments, but not only that, that they can jeopardize their own security and that they risk being assaulted.

In a study carried out by the European Union Human Rights Agency, 95% of respondents say that the Hungarian Government does not take sufficient measures to curb LGTBI+phobia. Not only that, it does not fulfil the obligations of the European Union Convention for the Protection of Human Rights with such decisions.