The parish priest of Hondarribia asks for the transfer under pressure from the supporters of the exclusionary Alarde
  • In the sermon of the parish priest came the controversy for the request for peace and coexistence around the Alarde. After claiming that what she lived was “a despicable spectacle,” a woman from the exclusionary Alarde went up to the altar and cut off the mass.
Asier Gonzalez de San Pedro @asiertxiki98 2018ko irailaren 18a
Victoriano Etxabe adierazpenak egiten (Argazkia:

The pastor has declared that "I am incredibly sorry for what has happened" and four years later he has asked for the change to the bishop of San Sebastian. In addition, he has ensured that he goes "for the experience he has lived" in the last year.

Etxabe says that Alarde Day is a “setback” and that they are “fascinating and extraordinary people” but do not know what happens to them on special days. In fact, another year, during the Jaizkibel Company parade, the proponents of the exclusionary Alarde picked them up between txistus and black plastics.

He added that he maintains the call for peace and coexistence and that they will achieve it despite having a challenge.