Parents accuse the City Hall of the lack of will to resolve the conflict of cleaning workers in the schools of Hondarribia
  • The course began on strike by the cleaning staff of the municipal buildings of Hondarribia, as the company providing the service continues to ignore their requests. The parents of Talaia school are concerned that dirt is accumulating in the classrooms and have already had to close the psycho-motor room. Understanding that the City has tools for the solution of the tendered service, they will be mobilized this Friday under the slogan “School garbage, municipal responsibility”.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2022ko irailaren 23a
Talaiako irakasle eta ikasleak patioan klase ematen, ikasgeletako egoera salatzeko. Argazkia: Talaia Eskolako Familia Elkartea

Cleaning workers have been fighting to improve working conditions since January and started the strike in April. They work for the ISS Facility Services company and, despite the many meetings held, cleaners complain that they still do not meet their demands, including a 5% wage increase. “They tell us that it is an excessive demand, nor do they want to analyze it, but they have to reach an agreement with the City Hall,” the cleaners say, remembering that the service is contracted by the City Hall. On the other hand, the City Hall has no will to resolve the conflict, they say.

D. Mayor of Hondarribia responds that they are very concerned about the situation and that the agreement is up to the company and the workers, so that the City Council will then study and process that agreement.

"Prolonging conflict is being allowed"

The strike has had a direct impact on the local schools and the parents of the school in Talaia have denounced the situation, seeing that the conflict is dragging on and that this prevents classes from being carried out with minimal hygiene. In the opinion of the AMPA, the company and the City Hall are “letting the time go” and are not dealing properly with the issue. The parents consider that when renewing the tender with the company the City Council will have to provide more money, and that will be the solution, but they wait until the time of the renewal of the tender.

On 4 October, the company and the cleaning staff hold the next meeting and the parents are angry, understanding that 4 October is late and that the conflict is being allowed to continue.

Thus, this Friday a demonstration has been called under the motto “The school garbage, the responsibility of the City Hall”. The intention is to continue the mobilisations the following week.