They call for the "illegal forest" to be recovered as soon as possible in Hondarribia
  • The General Plan initiated by the municipal government of Hondarribia for the construction of a macro-outlet was suspended by the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country, with prior notice from the Government to protect the existing silk in the area. On the contrary, they demolished an alley that occupied four hectares, with the objective of a large shopping center. Now Eguzki asks for the aliseda to be recovered.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2022ko irailaren 06a

The PNV of Hondarribia remained only in the idea of carrying out the macro-project in the area called Zaldunborda, with opposition from the other parties and criticism from many citizens and traders. Before the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country abandoned the project, the Department of the Environment of the Basque Government had already indicated that walking carefully and monitoring the Zaldunborda smoothie, forming part of the existing ecological corridor between Aiako Harria and Jaizkibel. “Instead of being careful, they threw him away completely,” the environmental organization Eguzki has denounced, remembering the bulldozer massacre.

Eguzki has also pointed out that in the new General Plan being processed for Hondarribia the Department of the Environment has issued the same warning, calling for corrective and balancing measures as soon as possible to recover the destroyed forest and the ecological function.

Impunity for ecological attacks

In addition to calling for the recovery of the forest, Eguzki has made another thought: attacks on the environment are cheap for the administration. The trees were shot down at the center of the protests, not in secret, so “this ecological attack could be avoided”, but “the administrations are very passive and permissive in the face of environmental attacks”.

The environmental organization also talks about impunity: Has a dossier been opened? Have aliseda been described as mild, severe or very severe? The Sun makes it clear: "You can't run out of sanctions."