Surrounding La Concha to ask that no more waste is incinerated
  • As you've done for almost two decades, "No to incineration!" has been proclaimed and screamed, on the second and last day of the Concha Flag, on the human chain that has surrounded the Donostia beach.
Usurbilgo Noaua @noaua 2023ko irailaren 11
Argazkiak: Noaua

"Incineration=climate change", "here we do business at the expense of your money and your health", "incineration is not a solution in Donostia, in Bergara, in Zumarraga, or anywhere", "we demand effective plans for waste reduction, reuse, recycling" -- and we have been able to read more messages from protesters.

The second and final day of the Concha Flag was held in Donostia on Sunday. As usual, the Anti-Incineration Movement has called the human chain against waste incineration and recently, with other polluting projects being promoted along Gipuzkoa, the platforms of Larramendiko Arnasa and Urretxu-Zumarraga Bizi in Bergara. The appointment has also been supported by more trade union and social partners.

Calling for effective plans

The quote was at 11:00 in the morning in the hall of Donostia City Hall in Alderdi Eder. No to incineration! These years, the human chain has been launched into La Concha with a banner spearheaded by the "incinerator=climate change" claim.

Taking advantage of the decisive day of the regatta, one more year they have raised the wall against incineration on the shore of the water. Once again, they claim that the solution for waste management is not incineration, there are alternatives. To this end, they have called for effective plans to reduce waste, as well as to promote selective collection in the same way, as efficiently as possible for the reuse and recycling of the largest number of waste.
