Germany becomes the third European country to ban therapies to "cure" homosexuality
  • Even if it sounds like a lie, in most places therapies are still legal to stop being homosexual. Following the example of Malta and Switzerland, Germany is the third European country to ban this practice, although it is only about therapies aimed at minors. The law also punishes parents to encourage this.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2020ko maiatzaren 08a

Children and young people under the age of 18 will not be able to receive these therapies in Germany and will not be able to participate in any type of intervention that rebukes their sexual orientation or gender identity. The service provider may be sentenced to one year ' s imprisonment or a fine of EUR 30,000.

Most of them are forced to

Parents and legal guardians who, under threat or deceit, incite young people to such therapies can also be punished. According to the German Minister of Health, most of the young people who have been treated have been forced by another person: “these young people must know that the State, society and Parliament do not want that in our country”.

It is not difficult to imagine the disorders, the lack of self-esteem or the traumas that can cause these interventions that use electric shock, hypnosis and other despicable methods. Research indicates that these practices can lead to depression and even suicide.

Why only for minors?

Some opposition parties have agreed to criticise the fact that the law passed by the Government should be tougher than normal. The Green Party has said that therapies should be banned for young people up to 26 years old, while the Left Party calls for a ban on young people up to 27 years old.

Legal therapies in the Basque Country

In most countries of the world, there is no ban on such therapies. From the Basque Country, the territories close to the legal prohibition of these therapies are Murcia, Madrid, Comunidad Valenciana, Andalusia and Aragon (through the laws created between 2016 and 2019).