Map of homophobia: death, jail, censorship and same-sex marriage in the world
  • In 69 countries (one in three of the countries of the world) same-sex relations are still legally punished, 11 of them with the death penalty. Conversely, a total of 28 countries have already recognised same-sex marriage and in another 34 a civil union between homosexuals. The LGBTI international partnership has updated the map of homophobia in recent years.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2020ko abenduaren 15

The world’s largest LGBTI association has been in charge of providing data to users. It's a little disappointing. Gabon is the only country that has stopped punishing homosexual relations and is still criminalized in 69 countries: you can go to jail (from punishments of up to eight years to life-long jails), you can be publicly scourged or you will be sentenced to death (as in Saudi Arabia or Yemen). Most of these countries are in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean, and in two, in Egypt and Iraq, where it is not provided for by law, homosexuality is punished.

The report also points out that governments are deepening homophobia in other ways. For example, in 52 countries the action of LGBTI NGOs is hampered, in 42 LGBTI content is censored (for example, because propaganda is homosexual) and people and regions that do not support LGBTI people in Poland are forgotten. They are also more subtly influenced (in Russia it has been expressly stated in the Constitution that marriage must exist between a woman and a man).

In the opposite direction

In most countries of the world (124) same-sex relations are legal and 28 accept homosexual marriage, two more than in the previous edition. Costa Rica has been the last to accept same-sex marriage, according to Interior. In another 34 countries, same-sex women can sign a civil union other than that of married women. There has also been an increase in the number of countries that have adopted some form of protection against LGBTQ discrimination (including hate crimes and discrimination against sexual orientation), from 142 countries to 156.