22 countries agree at the COP28 summit to triple nuclear power production by 2050
  • The Triple Nuclear Energy Declaration proclaims "the fundamental role of nuclear energy" in combating pollution and rising temperatures. The signatories include the United States, Canada, the United Arab Emirates, Morocco, Sweden or France. The United States Department of Energy has announced the agreement and has called on other countries to join.
Izaro Villarreal Lauroba 2023ko abenduaren 05
Adierazpena sinatu duten 22 herrialdeetako estatuburuak eta goi-funtzionarioak.

Triple nuclear power production capacity by 2050. This is the agreement signed this Monday by 22 countries at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP28), according to Elsalto. For the signatories, nuclear energy is “essential” to reduce the net emission of greenhouse gases to zero, limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C and meet the Sustainable Development objectives. It also includes a commitment to take measures to “ensure the responsible operation of nuclear power plants”.

On Monday, French President Emmanuel Macron requested that the World Bank, international financial institutions and multilateral development banks incorporate nuclear energy into energy lending policies. This is one of the objectives agreed by the signatories of the Triple Nuclear Energy Declaration.

Signatory countries

The signatory countries are: United States, Bulgaria, Canada, United Arab Emirates, Finland, France, Ghana, Hungary, Japan, Morocco, Moldova, Mongolia, Netherlands, Poland, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Sweden, Romania, Sweden and Sweden.