Twenty women report to the camera the sexual assaults they received from former French television presenter Patrick Poivre dArvor
  • The French digital media Mediapartat has brought together 20 women victims of sexual assaults by French television presenter Patrick Poivre d'Arvor and, individually, have given their testimony in front of the camera. Seven report that they were raped and thirteen of the sexual assaults were carried out in TF1's offices. He wonders whether the Directorate knew nothing. Sixteen women have reported sexual assaults to the police and the police have received a total of 26 testimonies in their investigation.  
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On the afternoon of 10 May, the French digital media Mediapartamentos launched the A l'air libre newspaper research programme into the network, which can be seen in full.

From 1985 to 2015, Patrick Poivre d'Arvor (PPDA) presented the news on the television channel TF1. Seven women report that they were raped, two of them when they were minors. Others report that they suffered sexual assaults and harassment.

The first complaint to the police took place in 2021: Florence Porcel denounced the violation of PPDA in 2004 and 2009. The 2004 violation case has been prescribed, but the judicial investigation for the second violation is open. Subsequently, another fifteen people have reported to the police, which has collected testimonies from 26 women.

From attack on TF1 offices to denunciation

As the police report states, the PPDA had a way of attacking. Thirteen of them were made in the TF1 television offices where the informative was presented. She would invite the women to see the informative and take them to her office and there she would attack them. Were TF1 writers and management unaware of these repeated attacks on several occasions in their classrooms? That is the question put by those who have been attacked. At the moment, TF1’s management has not carried out any internal investigation to resolve the case.

The French police questioned the PPDA in 2021 about its complaints. He said, "He didn't remember" most things. He has now denounced sixteen women accusing them of acting against their honour. Among them is Nora Arbelbide, a journalist from Berria, who made the following statements in the Basque newspaper: “It’s an investment of guilt, as if it were the same victim. Either way, even though we have done anything, we always blame ourselves. When Florence Porcel spoke, he knew that it had to be supported. We are sixteen, but, even if it were one, we would believe and support.”

Jone Arruabarrena interviews Nora Arbelbide in the news: "What the PPDA does is not bind, there's no beating beam."