I'm one of those who look at an animal and always think it's sad, because it doesn't alter expression, like expressive masks. Of course, I'm not fine.
Word, body and image are the three pillars of theater. The Kulunka theatre has once again sacrificed one of them and I swear to them: it is not missed. And it's that the other two reinforce each other and look at where the magic emerges.
The work of the actors is excellent. Making the face that's not yours and telling the public that that's natural is nothing easy. Facial expression is fixed in one, but eleven are observed. Everything that counts and transmits Forever is impressive.
The magic of the stage leads the viewer into the imaginary world, where emotions overflow. The masks, paradoxically, bring life and make anyone feel part of the story. The script of this work is very elaborate, although it has no dialogue. For example, they tell the story of a family, and when their child has just been born, they only show a wheelchair to tell their disability. We have all understood that. In addition to how to count, the image generated by the scenography itself is significant. Because the stage moves, it rotates, and it distinguishes three spaces. Transitions are global, almost cinematographic, because we see the same character disappear and appear on the other side.
This cult drama has a lot of grief, but also of humor and tenderness. And especially from love. The illusion and emotion of a loving partner awakens an endless desire. When the child is born, love becomes his, unconditional but conditioned. To this feeling will be added fatigue, guilt, responsibility, concern, etc. They will make it more interesting and will be in a crescendo. Character development is spectacular and dramatic.
Born in Hernani, this company travels internationally and has moved its works to 30 countries. With this work they have received several awards, such as the Max Awards. It's a multi-collaborating team that you can see in the details. In this theater, stories don't have words and leave the audience without words.