The giant cross on Mount Lemoa (Bizkaia) was erected in 1937 in tribute to the Francoist victory. “These monuments, beyond being a symbolic element of the Franco regime, are a sign of what the Franco regime has survived in the 78’s regime,” said Ernai in the note published about the action. According to the organization, "the regime of 78 is the political heir of Franco". A group of activists has been beaten overnight on the mountain and broken the stone base with electric hammers and rotaflex, until the cross is thrown to the ground. The action has been collected in video, calling for the regional mobilizations of October 12 and in protest of Columbus Day:
??? Break with Spanish fascism! As with the Francoist cross of Lemoa, we will also bring down the Regime of 78. On 12 October we will not celebrate anything, join the zoning mobilizations.#GazteokIndependencia
— Ernai (@ernaigazte) October 11, 2021
Nothing to celebrate
ERNAI has linked this year the Columbus Festival with the end of the state of emergency. Spain has taken advantage of the health emergency to deepen capitalism and Spain, as explained: “Just as heteropatriarchal capitalism has advanced, so has authoritarianism, fascism and the assimilation processes of the Spanish State. The management of the pandemic has followed a clear recipe: Spanish centralism and the segidism of autonomism." Proclaim the day of the struggle: "Today is the day to multiply the gaps in the regime, to bring down the Regime and all its columns.
ERNAI has denounced that Franco "is still alive and powerful" in the Basque Country and in the foral community. He has set as an example, inter alia, economic powers: “The consequence is, for example, that in recent months the Spanish electric oligopoly influences electricity price speculation.” Also the judiciary, which “has led continuous attacks against Euskera in the name of linguistic imperialism”.
Above all, the youth organization has claimed that “another Basque Country is possible” and has stressed the need for the struggle: “Let us continue to build an independentism that puts life at the centre, building a people that every day meets the needs of the working sectors.”
Community mobilizations
ERNAI has organized for 12 October mobilizations in a dozen counties of Hego Euskal Herria, both at noon and afternoon.