Israeli settlers’ attacks on the Palestinians tripled
  • Last year, there were 482 attacks by people in the occupied Palestinian territory in the West Bank, up from 140 in 2017.
Gorka Peñagarikano Goikoetxea 2019ko urtarrilaren 09a

According to the report published by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, the number of attacks by Israeli settlers on the Palestinian territory of the West Bank has tripled. The report covers fires, stone-throwing attacks, crop tears and, in general, damage to infrastructure.

Among the attacks, it is noteworthy that occurred in June last year, when Israeli settlers set fire to several Palestinian settlements and killed about 10 people, mostly minors. These include an 18-month-old child. Many died from burns.

Most Israeli settlers who were in prison in the past year have been released, which could be the main reason for the number of attacks to rise so much, according to the newspaper.