The three Bat theatre groups performed in Lakarra, Gamarte and Ainhize-Monjolos (Baja Navarra) in the 1980s. The flow rate of the source per hour has not been exhausted. The Arizers of the time and their descendants have adorned the spectacular Hiru zitxun.
The Hiruak Bat Association, which was supposed to be deep asleep, woke up in 2017: “We realized that the relationships between the three peoples were fading and we reflected together if it was time to assemble something,” explained Jean Mixel Bikain.
Realizing that 40 years ago there was an “empathy and atmosphere” towards the theater in the villages, the three were invited to a new project. A total of 55 local neighbours met at the first meeting. Three cigarettes have worked for two years the song, dance and theater to decorate the show. The vague idea of the spectacular began to work, and in June of last year Hiru zitxun began to work.
Three of them have been written by Jean-Mixel Noblia and acted as Kabalkada. Nobility is not a neighbour of these three peoples. However, it is used to write and correct these kinds of spectacular: “We wanted someone to be neutral,” Bikain stressed.
The horseback riding Hiru Zitxun merges three dances, three songs and a free theater. In the words of nobility, it is a “comedy” that unites two stories from three peoples. One, “In the 1970s, it was the longing to unite the three peoples.” The other, “Kalapitas originated by a source at the border between Gamarte and Lakarra”. The thread of the theater links the love story between two characters: Kattalin and Xemartin.
The show will be offered twice: On the 23rd, Saturday, at 21:00 in the Plaza de Ainhize-Monjolos and on the 30th, in the same time and place.