National Police Arrests Three Sopeloztarras for Alleged Action Against Gambling Rooms
  • Arrests appear to be related to the practice of fighting gambling halls in France. This Thursday afternoon, a mobilisation was called to repress the arrests in France.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko uztailaren 22a
Argazkia: Topatu

On Thursday morning, the National Police arrested three people in the Biscay village of Sopela (Bizkaia). According to information released in the newspaper, a fourth person has also been on the verge of arrest, but she has taught them the summons received by the courts and has not been arrested. According to the same source, they are charged with a crime of "continuing harm", which has not been proven.

All three have reportedly been arrested for their activity against the gambling halls of the locality. This has been expressed by some citizens, as mentioned in Hirukan. The three arrested have reportedly been arrested for "denouncing the misery generated" by gambling halls in the village.

In the afternoon, at 18:00, a repulsive concentration will be held in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento de Sopela.