Three yellow flowers to the dark
  • At a time when nights are long and days increasingly dark, many of you will probably suffer from lack of light. Sadness, discontent, lack of enthusiasm or inability to adapt to the cold can be some of the people who cannot like life. We have recommended to those suffering from this trance three flowers to bloom in the summer.
Garbiñe Larrea Iturralde 2023ko abenduaren 04a

And that is that we have among us three beautiful solar flowers that together will give us the right remedy to these situations. One is Ilena (Calendula officinalis), Chamaemelum (novel) and Santio-Belarra (Hypericum perforatum). They have the vitality of yellow and orange and have been read as solar symbols.

They bloom strongly around the summer solstice. Now, here we are not going to set deadlines, because the time and characteristics of the place are variable. We know that they look at the sun and that they accumulate a lot of light, they will be very rewarding to us when we are in the darkness of fall or in the coldness of winter. It seems that what these flowers can give us in the absence of their own light is useful.




Chamomile. Photo: Dani Blanco / ARGIA CC-BY-SA




In the case of the three flower heads are dried and collected in full, in due course. Then we mixed the three in the same amount and prepared the infusion, with 250 ml of boiling water, extinguished the fire and placed two tablespoons of dessert, which are filtered after five minutes of cover. It is recommended to take one infusion a day after dinner. Making the ninth or completing the quarantine will be the inner atmosphere and mood of each.

Hair and chamomile cannot be used during pregnancy and shaking in case of allergy to family plants, as both are herbaceous of the botanical family. The herb of Santio cannot be used during pregnancy and lactation due to potential risks and lack of adequate research.

However, there are more obstacles to taking Santa Fe. In fact, it has been used for the treatment of mild depressions and it must be known that it can produce problems derived from antidepressant drugs, i.e. stomach problems, nervousness, headache, dry mouth and hunger. These are not normal but potential reactions.

It is not compatible with medications taken for mental illness. There were also no analgesics, anesthetics, contraceptives, antiretrovirals, digoxin, thyroxine, antiarrhythmic and oncological drugs.




Herb. Photo: Dani Blanco / ARGIA -CC-BY-SA




Do not forget that once you take the infusion of St. Grass or used the denial you do not have to sunbathe. In fact, the active substance called hypericine makes it photosensitive and we get spots on our skin. Therefore, we recommend its use in these times of low light and at night.