Three deaths in Florida from a racist shooting
  • On Saturday, the aggressor kills three black people in Jacksonville, United States. Jacksonville Police said the attack was “racist” and the aggressor “hated black people.”
Ilargi Manzanares 2023ko abuztuaren 28a
Jacksonvillen hainbat pertsona elkartu dira biktimak omentzeko. Argazkia: John Raoux/AP.

The killings occur in a Jacksonville store. The aggressor, a 21-year-old white man, kills three black people, one woman and two men. After the murders he committed suicide. Before going to the store, he was at Edward Waters, a university with a large presence of black students. His security officers saw a bulletproof vest, and after a fight, he left the campus. The campus security staff advised the police, but upon arrival it was too late.

The FBI tells Reuters that the killings will be treated as hate crimes. “The murders have been for racist reasons and [the aggressors] hated black people,” says Jacksonville Sheriff. The weapon used by the murderer to attack was painted with a svastic and several racist manifests have been found on his computer.