One in three young people play money on betting on the CAV
  • 29.2% of the young people of the CAV acknowledge having wagered in the last year on sports betting and 5% believe that this practice can have a serious problem, to the point of risk of developing addiction, according to a survey by the University of Deusto.
Iñigo Igartua @igartua19 2018ko abenduaren 06a
Gazteak apustu etxe batean dirua jokatzen.

In the IX edition of the survey on drug use among young people in Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa conducted by the University of Deusto, 6,000 people from 43 schools aged between 12 and 22 years participated. Regarding betting, the results indicate that about 30% of young people play money, according to the study data. In the last year, for example, one in ten people wagered more than ten times.

The director of the study, Manuel González de Audikana, has stressed that the tendency to play youth starts to spread from the age of 15 and that one of the causes of the problem may be the “disproportionate use of the Internet”.

The Director of Public Health and Addictions of the Basque Government, Juan José Aurrekoetxea, has also been concerned about the results of the survey, “we are facing a new problem that can get worse”.

According to the study, the most common gambling practices among students are sports betting (29.2%) and card games in which money is played (23.7%). To a lesser extent there are slot machines (16.6%) and internet games (7.4%).

Normalize the game, a risky wager report in ARGIA.