Case 13/13
Sentenced to three to seven years ' imprisonment four persons tried in case 13/13
  • Of the seven defendants, four have been sentenced to prison by the Spanish National Court and three have been acquitted of their charges. Defence lawyers have explained that the judgment, which is not yet final, can be appealed to the Supreme Court.
Urko Apaolaza Avila @urkoapaolaza 2022ko martxoaren 31
Zazpi auzipetuak uztailean Madrilen, epaiketa hasi aurretik (argazkia: @g_elejabarrieta)

The National Court has sentenced Arantza Zulueta to seven and a half years in prison for case 13/13; Jon Enparantza to four years; Naia Zuriarrain to three and a half years; and Iker Sarriegi to three years. The sentence acquitts the other defendants: Julen Zelarain, Saioa Agirre and Nere Redondo.

In any case, the four detainees are not yet expected to be imprisoned, as it is previously necessary to assess whether the judges provisionally comply with the prison sentence imposed by this case and others. Furthermore, the defence lawyers have explained to Berria that there is still the possibility of an appeal, so the judgment is not firm.

In July of last year, the trial of the seven defendants in case 13/13 began and prosecutor José Perals called for a total of 77 years in prison, which was withdrawn in the case of Julen Zelarain. In November, some 100 jurists denounced the irregularities that had occurred at the trial. The lawyers consider that it has been "a summary of past times" that has led to the cause.

Torture is not "proven"

Several defendants, including Zuriarrain and Agirre, reported the torture they suffered when they were arrested during the trial, but the jury presided over by Judge Ángela Murillo has not taken them into account because, as read in the sentence, they are not "proven".

Murillo and other judges have also dismissed the defense's request to suspend the trial for the intervention of the Spanish intelligence services, who have concluded that the CNI only intervened in "certain works" and that the role of the Civil Guard was "heavier".