Zumaia’s feminist movement will denounce the second sexual assault in three weeks
  • In the face of the aggression they have shown their indignation, for, among other things, they will make a protest for the second time in three weeks to denounce a sexual assault. It will be on Friday, at 19:00 hours, from Plaza de Abajo.
Baleike @baleike 2021eko ekainaren 18a
Argazkia: Baleike

The Zumaia Feminist Movement has reported a new sexual assault. In a statement, two men explained that last Saturday they attacked a young woman heading to her home in Zumaia and, after following her, they seized her by force and physically and verbally assaulted her among them.

The Feminist Movement shows its outrage at the aggression: -We don't want to go looking back home. We are angry because they take our clothes as a pretext to do what you want with our bodies and insults. Angry because facts like these remind us that our daily fears are real. Angry, because in the last three weeks we will have to go out to the streets for the second time to denounce the sexist aggressions. Enough!

In addition, they added that they feel "fear and helplessness", as "the person who has suffered the aggression can be any of the women". In addition to deepening the tools offered by feminist self-defense, they have explained that they will continue to support each other, mutually reinforcing and working together on fear and fragility: "They want us docile, but they will find us united," he added.

Once again, they wanted to underline the structural character of sexist violence. In his words, the heteropatriarchal system every day builds mechanisms to maintain sexist violence. To do so, they have considered it necessary to take effective measures to build lives free from sexist violence by area, analyzing and changing their own attitudes. "Although the most spectacular expressions of sexist violence are murders and sexual assaults, day-to-day attitudes, and the power men exercise on a daily basis, keep alive the system that allows women* to suffer violence," he added.

The mobilization, on Friday

The Feminist Movement has called for mobilisation to denounce the machist aggression that has taken place this Saturday. The protest will take place on Friday, at 19:00 hours, from the Plaza de la Baja.