Under the motto "The City Flies," the cry for occupation and self-management will go to the street
  • Once again, agents and individuals have come together to form the program "Irauli City", in which the message in favor of okupation and self-management "will not have a massive manifestation". Activities have been organised for 4, 5 and 11 September.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko abuztuaren 25a
Okupazioaren eta autogestioaren aldeko manifestazioa Bilbon, 2017an (Argazkia: Ecuador Etxea)

Due to the state of health, last year Aste Nagusia was not held in Bilbao. This year, on the occasion of the festivities, Bilboko Konpartsak organized Irria Kulturaldia, under the premise of "the philosophy of mutual care" and "complying with all sanitary measures". After months of work, the programme from 25 to 29 August was presented to the public at the press conference on Friday, 20 August. The hearing, however, had a tone of denunciation: The comparisons reported that several acts with arbitrary criteria have been withdrawn from them by the Bilbao City Council.

"In the end, a second…", have been declared by the organizers of the Return to the City of Donostia-San Sebastián. Considering that in the days of Aste Nagusia the message of okupation and self-management "will not have a massive manifestation" and for "creating and guaranteeing the cultural fronts themselves", the different agents and individuals who work okupation and self-management have come together to elaborate their own program. Result: programme from 4 to 11 September, which includes three activities. "These are initiatives that will combine political depth, but also festive socialization, with the desire to create free and inclusive spaces," the organizers of the event said in a statement.

Irauli will start on 4 September with the 5th edition of the Bilbao City Fair to be held in the Ribera de Deusto. The Antiracist Globalito, starting at 10:00, will play football and basketball games 3×3. The following day, at 10:00 hours, a Return to the Life of Self-Defense will take place around the city, while cycling and discovering the present and future of the different conflicts in Bilbao. The programme will be closed on 11 September with the Koperak meeting, to be held in Kobetamendi Park; live street broadcasts, local fairs and cultural events.