Corpses found in beds in numerous nursing homes in the Spanish state
  • Elderly people sharing homes with corpses. Members of the Army have found a harsh situation in several nursing homes in the Spanish State when they went to disinfect the buildings. The news, which has been confirmed by the Government, has been disseminated by the Chain Ser on its website.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko martxoaren 23a
Espainiako miltarrak zaharren egoitza batera sartzear. Óscar Cañas (Europa Press)

The Ministry of Defence has indicated that the military has begun to resort to nursing homes as a preventive measure, to assess the situation of the sick and to advise workers on disinfection and prevention. Nursing homes have become the places most affected by this plague.

Defense Minister Margarita Robles warned Monday in an interview with Telecinco that they will be "absolutely ruthless and contacted" with those responsible for this type of event.

Most nursing homes that were being disinfected by military personnel are located in the Community of Madrid. In El Mundo one can read that in these residences there are many deaths, such as in the Monte Hermoso residence of Madrid, where 17 people have died and 70 have been infected with the disease.

The Madrid Public Prosecutor’s Office has opened proceedings to investigate these deaths, at the request of the Patient Defender association, following a complaint filed by several relatives.