The 'Education bookstore: public service, public code' meetings, by streaming
  • Librezale In the coming months they will talk about the technological challenges of education: the public service, the public code at the meetings, at the two round tables to be held today (11) and 18. Live streaming will be available from 18:00 hours.
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Members of the Education Library Group have underlined their intention to create a general picture in which education professionals understand how the confinement has lived, what the challenges have been and what the solutions can be. The second session will address the challenges we have as a society to move towards a joint path towards technological sovereignty in the field of education. To this end, we will have professionals from the technological and social fields who will be present at the table.

A chat on the program will also be enabled via streaming to "interact with the speakers and that the conversation is guaranteed".

Concerned about the involvement of large private companies

The group of booksellers of Education was created in 2017 by parents, teachers and agents of the Basque Country, "concerned about the growing presence of large private companies in the digitization processes of our schools". In 2019, taking into account the situation of Basque education, a five-point statement was presented at the Durango Fair explaining their concerns, along with a list of dozens of groups and agents who joined the statement.

Here are the points:

  1. The transfer of data from our students to private companies makes it impossible to guarantee the privacy of our students. The transformation of our students into products, driven by public entities, has serious implications.
  2. Investing in Chromebook devices that only guarantee five years of life is irresponsible, as programmed obsolescence goes against reuse.
  3. To leave the presence of Euskera in the devices that our students will use at the mercy of the interests and guidelines of private companies is a decision contrary to our language. In fact, on Chromebook devices today, there are many sections that are not in Euskera.
  4. Limiting students to the use of the same tools over and over again is reducing digital education. Digital competence is a basic competence that students must achieve according to the educational laws of Europe and the Basque Country, and the limitation to these instruments does not guarantee this at all.
  5. The risk of dependence on these tools in the educational community is a serious problem. We are creating potential users and customers of products from private companies, driven by institutions.