Danel Abando Olabarri @AbandoDanel 2024ko uztailaren 08a

End of course. The professor in his solitude. It prints the rhythm of the reflection that noise does in the traction of the train: Has the work done this year been worthwhile? Exhausted, thoughtful, remember his friend's words: “Txo, the teachers have no right to complain to you publicly, you are privileged!” That is why he thought it appropriate to take part in the course organized by the EU, in the hope of meeting with teachers from all over the country and making a collective effort.

The course has begun. Speaking of committed pedagogy and its forms of materialization, there soon appear two essential tools to think about education: Critical pedagogy of Paulo Freire and feminism of bell hooks. Pulling these threads, they have brought to the center one of the subjects that will unite, materialize and unify all the theories and practices that are being referred to: the professor. It is the one that, with the aim of transforming society, will transform education into a practice of freedom through its commitment and action. In order to do this, we must first assume that education is a social and political phenomenon crossed by power and, consequently, understand the committed pedagogy as a political action. That is, in order to empower the student, the teacher must question the false normality that triumphs in society, problematize it and politicize the supposed objectivity of reality to raise the oppression it hides.

It realizes that within education there is militancy, commitment, the struggle for a better society.

The rapporteurs are passionate about education, and the professor who hitherto listens calmly has moved in his body. Hooks studied in the segregated black schools of the EE.UU, where black women were taught by a political issue, a counter-hegemonic action, a form of resistance to colonialism. The professor has reminded Elbira Zipitria and the political commitment of the teachers who at the time of the dictatorship created the ikastolas and the struggle to transform the world. “And we, what are we in?” he thought, desperate. That is when the reports of the people who work in different parts of the Basque Country have come: A committed professor who promotes the empowerment and participation of students in Arratia, a transgressor professor who provides education and support to the most vulnerable young people in Donostia, or members of the Aztereuskaraz movement and subversive professors of SEASKA, among others. The teacher listens to his peers with envy and pride.

So she's heard from pedagogue Nora Salbotx the word that has revolutionized her reality: education. Suddenly it feels warm in the heart; it's not alone, it belongs to an educational community. And he's realized that within education there's militancy, commitment, struggle for a better society. We must combat the privileged action of naming power, Salbotx continued, and wagering on the smuggling of the individual's jump to the collective, Alberdi added. The course is finished and the professor has felt how the director of his ikastola echoes in himself: “We need epic!”

We have a word that gives meaning to our struggle, education. Ready for smuggling?

Danel Abando Olabarri, Professor