Steilas denounces that the Education Counselor drives the Traditional Alarde
  • “What message do you want to convey to the educational community about the equality policies being pursued?” The Steilas education union has denounced the participation of the Basque Government Education Minister, Cristina Uriarte, in the events of the Traditional Alarde.
ARGIA @argia 2018ko irailaren 06a

The Steilas Women’s Secretariat has described as “serious” that any public office supports the discriminatory practices of the traditional alarde with its presence. And even more serious is the fact that it is the Education Counselor who is actively involved. Should the Education Advisor not denounce the attacks suffered by those who are willing to participate in the mixed and egalitarian alarming? Will the Basque Government not accept the ruling of the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country in favour of the Joint Alarde which in a public celebration cannot be discriminated against on the grounds of gender?”

“The Alarde is not just a party”

“We are referring to symbolic and real violence, which has its climax on the day of the parade but which also suffers throughout the year those who bet on the mixed alarm. This violence is reflected in classrooms, in the street, in the house, in the crews and in all areas of life.” In this sense, the union has shown its concern because “the Alarde is not just a party, it is the “ritual of the collective auoaffirmation” of the hegemonic male model (classicist, racist, LGBTBIphobic…) and with the excuse of maintaining tradition, the hard core of the heteropatriarchal society is forever strengthened.”