Department of Education, Reconciliation and Permits
Baimenen eskubideen aldeko hezkuntzako langileak 2021eko uztailaren 22a

Again, Education has done its own thing. While Europe and the Spanish state themselves are taking steps to facilitate the reconciliation between work and family life (according to the latest news, the intention is to extend paternity leave to 6 months), the department leading the PNV and led by Jokin Bildarratz does nothing but block it.

And how would you fix it! On 30 June, (i.e. when a significant part of the workforce is no longer in the workplace), it has brought to light a consensual instruction, unilaterally, with agents and affected persons. This will enter into force on 1 September, with no organised response or possibility of agreement.

"Those who habitually care for the family will also be the hardest hit. How not, as in most cases, a working woman"

At a time when the reconciliation of working people’s family and working lives is so important, a decision has been taken that virtually denies us the possibility of doing so: the worker who enjoys a permit will only have two specific dates a year in order to be able to interrupt the permit; on 31 January and 31 August.

But what is to be achieved on the pretext of preserving the working conditions of the substitute staff and facilitating the organisation of schools? It is clear to us: to fill our pockets at the expense of our families and our families.

It has a multitude of ways to ensure the reasons it has given: And with what paws! disrupt pseudo-stability and ensure real stability; lower ratios; provide more personal resources... (How nice and decent it is on TV, Mr Bildarraitz, that you announce that the reinforcements of COVID-19 are going to follow, in the meantime, the centres have denied many other aid they already had. ).

But no, once again, the rulers have opted for violations of workers’ rights. Those who habitually care for the family will also be the hardest hit. How not, as in most cases, a working woman.

They will be full of words saying how well things do in the media, which have passed this course with very good results. I guess we'll calm down. Without saying anything, we will accept all violations of our rights.

But they're wrong! We are fed up with laughing at those of us who push public education forward. They don't fool us, they don't fool anyone. Now we will not be in schools, but we will not devour your hook and here we will be.